The Jazz Age. A time of opulence and excess. Of boredom and glamour. Of the shifting morals that followed the First World War. The 1920s and '30s were heady decades captured perfectly by Fitzgerald in this collection of short stories.
I can't explain why but it's been a few years I consider Fitzgerald as my favorite author. There's something about his way of writing (an intangible nostalgia, melancolia ? I'm not sure ...) I just admire and love.
I've actually already read most of the short stories which are in this collection (I bought A Diamond As Big As The Ritz and 26 Other Stories 2 years ago and of course I highly recommend it) but it was a real pleasure to read them again (especially The Diamond as Big As The Ritz and The Lees of Happiness)
or to discover new ones (such as the stunning O Russet Witch which I was simply struck by and the very famous and great The Curious Case of Benjamin Button).